Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Up Wins Golden Globes

The awards season is here and already Disney movies are getting some amazing recognition! While the buzz about Avatar and movies like The Blindside continue to fill up the papers, here in Orlando we’re all rooting for our favorite Disney films to be recognized for how great they really are. It was great to see both The Princess and the Frog and Up nominated alongside other animated movies as great as Coraline. The Disney theme parks all have plenty of merchandise available from both The Princess and the Frog and Up. Last year, the Magic Kingdom had a special parade for Princess Tiana called Tiana’s Showboat Jubilee, which made use of the beautiful steamboat near Tom Sawyer’s island. Over at Downtown Disney, you can take a hot air balloon ride and experience your own balloon adventure much like in Up!

The heartfelt story of a journey to fulfill a promise captivated audiences and brought in plenty of money at the box office for Up, making it yet another huge success to add to Pixar’s list of huge movies. Let’s not forget, Toy Story 3 is coming up soon along with Rapunzel; which will continue to make the Pixar/Disney team up almost unstoppable. They were certainly unstoppable at the Golden Globes and already people are looking towards the Oscars!

At the Golden Globes, where the decisions are made by the Hollywood Foreign Press, Up won in two categories. The most important award of all was the Best Animated Feature, where it defeated Coraline and its own company with The Princess and the Frog! The other category Up! won in was for Best Original Score. In a way, this win was also tied to Disney! Michael Giacchino, the hottest new composer in Hollywood, created the score for Up along with the blockbuster Star Trek and ABC’s LOST—and Disney owns ABC! So far the House of Mouse is scoring big with all of these awards shows. Will some Oscars be next for Up? What about The Princess and the Frog? Sure it got some nominations, but Disney’s return to hand-drawn animation definitely deserves an award of its own! We’ll just have to wait and see.

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